What It's All About

So, this weekend Ryan and I were able to attend the dedication broadcast session of the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple. I realized a few things during this service...

When we really look around us...eternity isn't that far away. Sometimes we feel that heaven is so far away and unreachable; that our ancestors gone before us aren't really still around to watch our families grow. When I think about my grandma Mimi, it is hard to imagine, sometimes, that I will really get to see her again and be able to wrap my arms around her and tell her how much I've missed her. I know that I will and always know that such a reunion will take place. It is easy to get a little sidetracked with the whole picture when you are going about your day to day routine of cooking meals, tending children, changing dirty diapers and disciplining a two year old.

Love in this life is fleeting, eternal love is lasting. As I sat with my arms cuddled about my husband I realized that, even though we may not always agree or be completely on the same page, because we are sealed for time and all eternity in the temple and have higher goals to obtain, we can work through anything. If this life is all about learning to be more like Christ in order to live with Heavenly father again, then what a better candidate to work with to learn how to love purely than your spouse.

I know I view the world through eyes that have not been able to reach beyond the veil, but it is very comforting to know that someday I will be able to learn all things and understand all things. I know I don't understand a lot about the designs and plans of Heavenly Father and someday it will all make more sense to me and to all of us as we are all to pass through the veil. Attending the temple really does help me to be able to look at things in my life, that I may be working through or experiencing, in a way greater and more important than how the world would view them.

I am so grateful for the temple and hope deeply that my children will grow up knowing how much it means to me and to Ryan that we are sealed to them and that we can be together forever. The temple is the place I feel closest to Heavenly Father and I am setting a goal to become better at my attendance therein!!!