Crazy, Running Life!

So, just to get things a little caught up...
I feel like I have been moving so fast in so many directions these past couple of weeks and haven't had the chance to write it all down. Here is my greatest attempt! After all, isn't this why we blog anyway?!?

Last week we had the opportunity to go to Idaho and spend some time with my family there. Lillie loves going to see her Gramma Reen and just always had such a great time there. On our way out of town, we had a few errands to run of which included taking something to Grandma Fran. Lillie persistently told me that she wanted to go to Gramma Reen's house, sirst (first)! I assured her we would be on our way, and so we were. We left on Tuesday and came home on Saturday. For dinner on the way up we decided to stop at Maddox's Restaurant in Brigham City. My grandma used to rave about it and just loved to stop there. I had never so I thought it would be a good treat to be able to experience it. It's not too often that we have a chance to eat there at dinner time. I know exactly why she loved it...the fruit stand across the street! I can remember since I was very little, my grandma would take a whole different route if she needed to, but we always went to the fruit stands and the cheese factories! I bought some nectarines that were absolutely heavenly! I think I ate three of them between Brigham City and Hailey!

We had a really good time with cousins, aunts, uncles, gramma and our bikes!! We took our road bikes to Hailey, mainly because I wanted to try to ride the thirteen miles from Hailey to Ketchum! This had always seemed a daunting task to me growing up there so to accomplish it really made me feel that I could do anything! One day we rode halfway up and turned around and came back and the next day we rode the whole way and my mom brought our truck up the K-Town and we had lunch together. Riding there is so beautiful. You have mountains surrounding you, fall color everywhere, and a river snaking along your way, complete with old bridges and beautiful homes. I just love going home and feeling the comfort of home!

This week I have been busy getting us ready to head to St. George, UT for a Triathalon. Ryan, got his nerves up last minute and I signed him up so he couldn't back out!! I am a little jealous! I would like to be the one doing it, but I will just have to wait my turn when I don't have my mommy nursing duties!! Knowing me it would take me so long that my child would be starving by the time I finished!! We are so excited to go and do this, to be with our family and friends! Tari is going into her second Tri and I know she is going to wipe out her last time! She has been working so hard and has a wonderful friend who is helping her to train for it. They really have been working so hard and pushing themselves. I have always admired her for her ability to stick to a workout schedule and to be self-motivated to do it. I am so spotty and will workout great for a couple of weeks, start to feel like I am in really good shape, and then just quit as if the last workouts will be all I need for the rest of my life.

I also have been trying so hard to learn canning and food preservation techniques! You know those nectarines I told you about...well, we went back on Saturday and I got really nectarine happy!!! I bought two bushels? big baskets for $30. I was convinced that I would bring them home and can them and have some wonderful fruit to last me all winter long...apparently no one cans nectarines. I researched the internet, talked to some experiences ladies in my ward, and read all the canning books I have. I decided to make fruit leathers instead. Well, some of it turned out really good and other parts of it cooked a bit too long and became stiff and breakable. It still all tastes really good and I will be trying to figure out what to do with it all!

I have been wanting to post this for a while and just haven't had the time to do it...
Kaeden is six and one half months old and has had five haircuts! I mean, REAL haircuts! I think the shortest length we have taken off has been a quarter of an inch! His hair amazes me all the time and people think he is so much older than he really is because of it! Okay, I really should say...his first one was when he was six weeks old. So in five months he has had five cuts!